Let’s Get Started On LinkedIn
This program has 4 components in which some or all may be customized pre client. It is implemented in private 1-1 sessions via telephone and/or zoom. There is no limit to number of sessions and sessions are scheduled according to both parties availability, each averaging 60 – 90 minutes. Flexibility is exercised according to needs.
The 4 components are:
- LinkedIn Profile Page Development - this is the exact same training as our stand-alone training. Working hand-in-hand we develop & write your About, Headline, and Experience Sections so that they reflect you, will connect to your buyers, and provide great search engine search results. We also "together" complete all the other sections available to you on the profile page. Click here for details.
- Understanding The Buyer Journey - learning the marketing stages of attract, connect, engage & convert. Identifying WORDS that your target market will respond to at EACH stage.
- Creation of Messaging and Content for each stage of the buyer journey for its use on LinkedIn. What to say & how to say it. Also learning how to choose the mediums that will most successfully deliver your messaging per the purpose of each stage.– text, images, video, etc. Together we create no less than 5 posts per stage that you can immediately use and also rotate as you go forward.
- Basics of Using LinkedIn customized for your purposes. - Posting - initial locations for posting and the effective use of hashtags - Commenting – exercising the “magic” commenting creates - Using the search directory for finding people - How to request connections and stay in touch with them - Using LinkedIn’s email system - Knowing where to find & how to use LinkedIn’s “gifts”
- BONUS: Free registration in my quarterly A-Z LinkedIn Tour/Training. Q1 2022 – Begins on Tuesday, January 25th.
Due to the ttailoring of this program, please contact us for quote.
Also contact us with any any questions and to get started!
margieh@todaysway.net or call, 310-306-1453