
Author Archives: Margie Hanson

Original & Authentic Connections To Buyers! ( 1 of 4 part series)

Picture This! You sit down at your computer, all set to write your blog post and it hits you … you can’t think of anything to say!   You could describe your business but that is what you always post. You could talk about your products, but the best advice is not to bluntly sell in one’s messaging , soooo … what is there to talk about?  What should you say?

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Have you experienced this? Have you been there?  The truth is there are many sources to “go to” for messaging and content ideas. NOT the premade kind, nor the bought kind … but the authentic and original kind that will create connections to buyers!

One of our best sources for ideas is knowing our buyers’ journey. In today’s world of buying and selling we must connect with our buyers before they have an active need of our offerings. We must be involved early on so that we can lead our buyers to us throughout the buying & selling paths of attract, connect, engage, convert & advocate.

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  1. What is the “world” our buyers live in that seeds the need for what we offer?
  2. What are specific triggers that make those seeds sprout & thus activate at some level (low to high) the needs for what we offer?
  3. How are our products & services matched to our buyer’s specific need(s)… feature & benefit?
  4. What are our terms, pricing & added-value that our buyers embrace, separating us from competition, securing the trust of our buyers, and/or maybe providing a unique benefit to our buyers.?
  5. What do we provide after the sale is done to receive from each buyer, new, repeat & referral business?

Lots of different types of messaging & content … with room for lots of ideas!  And in addition, keep in mind what I refer to as the trifecta of content and conversation

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The trifecta includes the “3” primary elements of all successful selling 

  1. Our Business – How our offerings, services, terms & conditions, location, pricing, etc are a match for the needs of our buyers.
  2. Our Buyers – Their industry, company, what seeds their needs, what are they really buying both for their business purposes and for personal reasons.  Who are they? If applicable, age, sex, interests, lifestyle, What are their values – company wise and personally.
  3. Our Self –  Our knowledge of our buyer’s shared industry/company, our credibility, experience, shared interests with buyer, sensitivity to buyers, standards of service, and our values and personal interests.

After reviewing our buyer journey and our trifecta, it’s time to choose a target audience and a specific purpose for our communications. Last but hardly least, write & post!

I’ll be expanding on all the creative ideas that are available from the trifecta in the next 3 articles, but in the mean time, see what ideas you can come up with on your own. I am happy to go over them with you if you wish. Simply send me an email at to schedule a call.. You may also be interested in a private class I offer, “How to create a week’s worth of content from one single idea!”… works like a charm!

Here’s to your communications success!

#communicationsstrong — margie

Engaging …


How often do you engage with others?  When working?  At home? Standing in a line? On an airplane? Getting a hair cut?

And what happens when you do?  Do you feel a bond?  Do you learn something new?   Feel like you made a new friend?  Receive more insight for ways to go forward with a business deal?   Create a mutual respect?

Do you feel engaging has value?  Does it give you more appreciation?  Understanding?  Comfort?  Clarity?  Or maybe sometimes even uncover  information you are opposed to …  which can have a value of its own in multiple ways.

Engaging opens many doors and closes gaps. Engaging makes quality “connections” which are a lot stronger than just a “connection.” Many people say engaging is the key to quality communications.  What do you think? When done authentically and effectively, I say yes!

Can engaging be done in one action?   No. It has to begin and then evolve … with that 1st step often being the most difficult.  A great tip for being much more comfortable taking that 1st step is to activate your inner child and be curious!  Innocently & authentically curious!!  Be involved in the moment at hand, attentive & interested!    But even an initial “curious” inquiry has to land on the right foot. And people also often get lost for words.

Some tips for openings include:

  • Be in the moment at hand and identify what is shared in that moment the meeting you are at,  the location,  the organization, the cause.
  • Inquire about the interests that got the person to where you both are, the bigger picture of how you both got to this immediate moment you are sharing.
  • With the news of any day .. a simple how are you holding up with all that is happening?  Is this news about ______affecting you?  Reach out a hand, don’t tap dance, BUT  be aware of sensitivities!   First impressions count.
  • In business sales, bring up news about the company or its industry and/or what seeds the need for what your business provides as a solution.  Where do their needs come from?
  • Don’t force engaging.  Wait for appropriate moments.
  • Don’t assume other’s feelings and don’t make it be just about you …   it’s about them “with” you also sharing.
  • Don’t  interview,  i.e. ask a series of questions.  Engage as it flows.

In business, effective engaging is a must even if you are selling a candy bar.  Engaging creates interest and because we all know how to speak,  engaging is something we can take charge of and do our part for creating an effective inclusive business community and society.

Authentic  and productive engaging melts away ALL differences of sex, color, age, nationality, etc. The shared conversation, the quality of the communications,  the value of the exchanges brings inclusion to a diverse group of participants.

Engaging develops ideas, creates understanding,  offers insight, brings out new perspectives, breaks down & unites differences, fosters creativity, expands horizons.

Engaging creates trust, the necessary ingredient for ALL successful  communications goals.  Without trust, the  links within communications & relationships can and will break … anywhere at anytime.

Trust is a magical & key ingredient for bonding and strengthening communications and thus the relationships within our business & personal life that lead to inclusion within our community & society.

YES … engaging is key to creating quality communications and all the wonderful results that evolve from quality communications.


Here’s to your communications success!


Purposeful Communications Can Open Doors Anywhere!

One of the wonderful gifts from the Pandemic that I’ve given myself is taking two walks a day, morning & evening, in my neighborhood. Time to do my thinking, get exercise, and enjoy the quiet of the streets with no cars! On one of these morning walks this past week I became aware that I was greeting people differently that I’d see passing by me. But that was all I realized at that moment. I couldn’t tell you why or even who some of the people were .. I just realized that I responded differently.

So being the communications zealot that I am, I set out the next morning “purposefully.” I was going to pay attention and know the “what & who” behind the different greetings.

What I discovered is not earth shattering news. Basically as humans we have a natural sequence of connectivity within our communications DNA that happens on its own when we let it. I experienced a sequence of … a visual connection that led to eye contact and then facial expression/body language and overall energy/emotion… all contributing to what triggered my individual reactions & style of engagement … primarily all or pieces of a sequence of raising my arm to give a wave followed by a smile and hello or good morning.

However, what did come to my attention was all I had missed by not being purposeful with my previous communications. Sure, I had responded differently as the people approaching me gave me different stimuli from first sighting … but I may, just as well, given them no regard and proceeded with a strong wave and shout out to each one, welcomed or not welcomed, for all that I retained from the interactions. I had no memory of most of the people I had passed and as pointed out, I had no idea why I responded differently!!

When I set out purposefully to see the layers of connectivity and experience the sequence of interacting with each person, I gained so much more. I “saw” each person, I “ingested” the/experience of the engagement (slight or strong), I “remembered” each person and was aware of the strength/weakness of each connection. As someone shared with me several years ago, every interaction is an exchange of energy. This is exactly what I was experiencing.

– WEAK CONNECTIONS,, the sequence of raising the arm, smiling & hello with high energy were not matched and/or not fully shared by both parties for different reasons… BUT there was some connectivity that might be ripe for developing, 1) the elderly gentleman who I see pretty regularly who acknowledged me with a only a nod of his head but a troubled look on his face. I waved but held back on the big smile and hello. Just sent a small encouraging smile and will be sure to keep an eye out for our next encounter. I don’t remember if he always looks this way or not! 2) the runner who gave a sweet but shy hello and smile… I will look forward to adding “have a good day” if I see her again…she looked like she wanted to be friendly but wasn’t sure.

– NEW CONNECTIONS – the young woman running intensely albeit a bit spent but still going, who upon me waving with a smile & gentle hello … broke into a huge grin and hello back. It was exactly what she needed! Hope I see her again.

– PERFECT CONNECTIONS – the gal who upon eye contact did what I did … a smile and a wave with a big hello .. Ahhh. a perfect connection! ( of course, as in business, there are fewer of these!!! )

– NO CONNECTION – the runner who actually did return my wave with a half-hearted wave and absolutely no change in his facial expression. Weak beyond weak acknowledgment. I say, no connection.

– MISSED CONNECTION – Got lost in my thoughts for a bit… lost my purposefulness, and looked up to see a runner turning his head away … I “just” missed eye-contact … he never looked again. Who knows the potential?

And so on … each interaction truly was unique and made my walk that much more interesting while not removing the peace and quiet of the walk. The seeds for building a relationship of some variety were planted. Before there was nothing.

My point? There are 2 that I hope you will grasp. The 1st point is the importance of being purposeful — paying attention, observing, listening, and truly engaging with the people we see daily, in person, online, and in written online messaging. Without being purposeful, what opportunities are we missing out on? What open doors are we passing by? IF every interaction is an exchange of energy, what is the energy behind your interactions. It’s easy to get lazy and assume a no connection or even care “in a given moment” about connecting, BUT what are you missing out on? Even “a very weak connect’ might know a “yes connect” for your business. What would/could happen if you maximized each interaction available to you?

The 2nd point is how being purposeful opens up doors everywhere you go! And makes it much easier to know how to begin a conversation …. simply pay attention to what is happening, what you are both sharing in terms of space, topic of an event you are both at, etc. Look for what you have in common within that moment of meeting and build from there. If we do not take these steps many opportunities will never be known. And doors are everywhere! You don’t need to overstep, be aggressive nor go outside your comfort zone.In fact you definitely should NOT do that. Pay attention at work, of course, but also at the grocery store, in line at take-out, at a neighbor’s front lawn “social distanced” cocktail party, and yes even on the walking and running paths. .. you never know!

A true story from my running days, many years ago (writing this piece brought it to mind) is how a simple hello on my running path led me to a entirely new group of friends. I passed by a group of 5 fellows every morning and we started saying hello to each other, then how are you, then after I had been absent for a while they stopped to inquire about my absence, and that led to them inviting me to my first 10k and many 10ks after that, along with parties with their wives and girlfriends and so on. The major tip: Don’t push the progression. Be purposeful but stay within the rhythm of the development of the relationship. Was there business from this story? One of the fellows got a ton of business from me. He ran a travel agency and I was traveling back and forth to Boston from Los Angeles every 2 weeks at that time for over 6 months … so yes, business came from both parties being purposeful.

Purposefulness can be applied to all the zoom calls going on as well. Be purposeful as you see the others attending and participating on the screen … maybe something they say live or in the chat or via their visible reactions, etc will serve as a great follow-up by you. A way to reach out to open the doors they have to opportunities for you. And of course look for engagement opportunities with the presenter!!  All good!

Purposefulness can be applied to our written communications for which it is more important than ever to remember that it is all about who you are writing to.. AND the more you know about them, the more you can apply authentic and sincere purposefulness. ( my next mailing will talk more about this ). In the meantime if you are engaging in writing or live .. stay alert, pay attention and stay within the layers of connectivity .. don’t mess up the flow, but work each layer authentically.

Going forward past this pandemic experience we all need to maximize the opportunities that lie within all our interactions, Purposeful communications can open doors to opportunities anywhere we go!

Here’s to your communications success ….


5 Steps For Creating & Delivering Successful Communications

It’s the month of May and finally quarantines are loosening up! Not without bumps in the road, albeit, but we appear to be moving forward. Hope you have remained well through it all. There are some things i will miss. I so enjoy morning and evening walks in the middle of my neighborhood streets with absolutely no cars … just quietness with the occasional sharing of a wave to other neighbors out walking.

This morning I was listening to the birds singing to each other and thinking about their way of communicating. Got me thinking about the Indians who used “fake” bird calls to communicate back in the day. They sent exact messages to each other that connected.

Today when humans communicate there can be a lot of grey in our messaging that creates gaps in the intention of our messages. These gaps leave room for the recipients of the message to interpret our intention from their perspective, i.e. in their own way! There is not a clean connection, or as they say in the tech industry, there is a disconnect at some level of the transmission.

Over the last 7 weeks, have you experienced any grey or gaps in your communications? Two huge changes in all our lives invite these communication gaps to occur .. `1) remote communications via zoom and other online platforms 2) home 24/7 with the same people, love them or not! Both provide so much room for assuming and not so much room for confirming due to a variety of reasons. It is so easy for disconnects to take place at all levels.  Many people predict a continuation of both these scenarios as we go into our “new normal” and even beyond that point. The gaps have to go, and the good news is they are easy to fix with a little more attention to being exact with our communications.

Here are 5 steps for creating & delivering exact & successful communications.  Hope they are useful and deliver you some results that demonstrate the difference “exactness” can make! Let me know ..

  1. Know Your Purpose. Begin with having a clear purpose for your communication. Know “why” you are communicating. It doesn’t matter if the purpose is to have someone purchase your offerings or if you just want a second helping of mashed potatoes. Knowing your purpose, your why, will give clarity and a target for your next steps.
  2.  It’s Not About You. Know who you are communicating with, verbally or in writing. Your communication must be created so that it “connects” to where “their” mindset is. What is going on in their heads. It is NOT about your mindset … It is always about the mindsets of the people receiving your communications.
  3.  Identify The Connection. Every communications is a matching of a need and a solution. In step 3 you now know your purpose and who you are communicating with. What is the “match?” What will purchasing your offerings give to your hoped for buyer? What is the “match” that will make that person with the mashed potatoes pass them on to you?
  4.  Focus On Your Heart.  Now its time to think about developing your communications based on all of the above. If you focus your mind on the first 3 steps, you might come up with nothing. It can feel very clinical. BUT if you focus mentally on your heart as you think of the first 3 steps you will discover, immediately in many cases, a story from the past, an experience, a more loving or fun idea for your communications. It works like a charm. You will love it … no pun intended.
  5. Clarity & Success. The last step is to structure your communication for a clear and successful delivery and receival and there is nothing more full proof for success in communications than the format of a story. We love stories, we hear stories, we remember stories and part of that is because of their structure: Apply it in your words and/or in your mind to all your communications, even very, very short ones (3 words only can do it!) Achieve clarity & success using the story format: -> an opening that sets the stage (puts you in sync with your recipient)  -> something happens (matching of your need/solution from the heart) -> an ending (the desired result)

Here’s to your communications success!



The Importance Of Being In-Sync

Good communications are insync! It’s a term that is sometimes tossed around lightly, i.e. “insync” or “out of sync” … but it’s a term that has so much significance for successful communications. Just as the above image depicts, when our communications are insync, all flows through each layer, from beginning to end, with a successful connection. Should a disconnect occur anywhere within the flow, from beginning to end, the end result is one of confusion. The connection falls out of sync and the true meaning of the communication is not understood.

Just like our with our computers, a disconnect can happen anywhere between the beginning and the ending of each communication. Probably the worse place to have the disconnect is at the very beginning!  If It happens there, the chances of a successful communication is really slim to of course, none! And, I believe we all know the results of “getting off on the wrong foot” in a conversation? That can be considered a disconnect at the very beginning.

As odd as it may seem, many conversations, written and spoken, get started off on the wrong foot. It’s just so easy to create what we want to say from our own mindset and emotions, send it off and upon its arrival at its destination, the receiver listens/reads from their own mindset, emotions, and opinions. Disconnect!!

Here are 6 tips for beginning your communications insync and on the same page:

  1. Set The Stage: This means that you state the topic of your communications up front, like in an announcement. Example: “Regarding last week’s proposal request.” You have set the stage. Your recipients all take their minds to last week’s proposal and are waiting for your next words!
  2. Get Agreement: It can be as simple as asking for agreement to be insync. Example: “Before I begin, can we confirm we are agree that _____.” Or, “Before I begin, can we confirm agreement that we need to hire new employees next week?” When getting agreement you are getting everyone “specifically” on the same page with you.
  3. Ask A Question: Example: “Do you know what the capital of Nebraska is? The reason I ask is ……. “ Asking a question brings people in to the topic you want to address. People are naturally curious and usually want to try to answer questions so its a way to harness their attention and continue from that point!
  4. Take Them To Where You Want Them To Be:  Example: “Picture This! A beautiful lake with a boat at the dock waiting for you.”  Using this technique you have taken their minds to where you want them to be. It’s a good technique for help with getting emotions insync as well!!!
  5. Tell A Story: Similar to the last technique you can begin with, “Let me tell you a story.” People of all ages, young to old, enjoy listening to stories. The story puts everyone on the same page.
  6. Silence:  This works for “live” communications only. Pause before you begin to speak. In front of a group and 1-on-1. People eventually all quiet down and wait!  Silence is very powerful.  It can be annoying 1-on-1, so use it in good taste. Its success lies within your communications when you do begin to speak … but at least you have everyone’s attention up front!

The more you can focus on being in sync with the recipients of your communications right from your very first words, written or spoken, the more you will pay attention that you are remaining insync throughout the communication.  Think we all know how good the feeling of “right on” is? High-five material? That’s what you are going to be feeling when all your communications are flowing insync!


Here’s to your communications success ….


Create Strong Communications

Five weeks into our lives changing, how are you doing? Amongst all the changes you have experienced, hopefully you are well and have escaped any illness from the coronavirus. It’s been a crazy time and an amazing time. So impressive to me is the adaptability we all have when “push comes to shove” as the saying goes. Birthday “drive-by” parades, zoom now a household resource, virtual 5K’s and cocktails “to go” being just a few examples. And then the many ways communities, organizations, and simply friends are stepping up and gathering masks & PPE supplies to deliver to healthcare professionals along with financial donations to support local restaurants in buying food to deliver to our brave men & women in healthcare, also our fire fighters & police officers. And the flip side…the horror of having a loved one be suddenly lost to this sudden killer in our communities .. and with that seriousness, taking our new “available time” to appreciate what we do have. So much in just 5 weeks!!!

What hasn’t changed in the midst of all this change is our communications. Communicating and connecting has not been eliminated. Our words and their purpose remain available to us for use in our daily communications. We might consider it to be our GLUE for these times .. keeping it all together.

Where we have to be careful, however, is with the presentation of our communications. That part, the how and where of our communications, “is” one of our many changes being experienced and can affect the strength of our GLUE.

For example .. in our homes, we are now face-to-face 24/7 with those that previously during the day, we probably communicated with via text or a phone call. And those we communicated with face to face at work .. fellow employees, clients, vendors…are now all remote and communicated with via text, email, phone, zoom! Why does this matter?  Let’s take these one at a time:

  •  at home .., when communications are via a device, i.e. text, phone, there is more buffer for the intention of the message… there is room for your recipients to insert their own take on your meaning, or assume what you mean. Face to face doesn’t offer that same buffer as you are right there saying it! Without the right delivery in face-to-face communications, it’s easy to miss the mark.  Are you noticing more conflict at home, or maybe less? Has a child heard a “yes” vs what you really meant? Or is the family not connecting to each other as well as it may have appeared when communications had more space? OR, are you communicating better? That would be a wonderful result!
  • at work… do you ever want to reach through that zoom screen and just reach out? Have that little side conversation .. get that nod of approval, a sign of acceptance of what you are delivering? Do you wonder if people are listening? Hearing you correctly? Wish you could see the body language … maybe hear a more authentic tone vs what is delivered over zoom?  Are you understanding each other? Are you connecting? Is it working as well as it did in the office?

Hopefully it makes sense that if communications is to be the glue holding it all together, communications must be clear, strong, and holding! Communications must be presented with a defined purpose & intention.  Families have to be strong, businesses have to bounce back and unity must be built. We don’t need to be misunderstand, get something wrong, or not be heard correctly. etc.

It is so very easy to miss our mark … for example, how many different ways might the simple word “wonderful” be taken when read or heard? Tone, volume, body language, attitude, surrounding words, emotions, emojis, etc. all can change its perceived intention. Pre-existing perceptions people have of you will also  influence what is received as your intention.

Strong communications – clear communications – quality communications – effective communications require a bit of thought and care. We must speak and/or write to the minds of the recipients of our words, not come from our own minds! Messages must also be delivered so that the purpose & interactive engagement is clear from the opening word to the closing words in our communications.

We must know and believe that our communication is the GLUE for keeping us sane and “on track” during this time of transition. AND, as the GLUE, we must realize how crucial it is that our conversations move all of those engaged forward… without additional confusion! We don’t need nor have time to misunderstand, get something wrong, not be heard, or be heard the wrong way etc ..this is all destructive and additional stress right now.  Create strong communications that will hold your world, and our world, together.


Here’s to your communications success,

Creating Messaging Throughout Your Buyer Journey – Part 1

It's a pretty well known fact that buyers are doing their own research online prior to selecting and doing business with a provider. This has evolved as the internet became accessible and used by more and more of society. AND so........ the marketing game plan has changed accordingly.

You, as a provider of products & services must now make your buyers aware of you prior to them even having an active need for what you offer. Your content and messaging must be applicable for "each" stage of your buyer's journey from pre-need of what you offer to post purchase of what your offer. How you create you content and messaging will come from your 3 banks of knowledge.. your trifecta, as I refer to it .... i.e your personal business brand, your buyers, and your business;

This article is part 1 of two that will help you know how to create your messaging throughout the stages of the buyer journey: Attract, Connect, Engage, Convert, Advocacy.

Let's begin with a simple definition of The Buyer Journey:

“the process buyers go through to become aware of, consider and evaluate, and decide to purchase a new product or service. As a salesperson, you can personalize your sales process to the buyer's context by understanding the buyer's journey” . (from Hubspot)'

The first stage of attracting occurs before your buyer has any active need for what you offer. Part of their lifestyle seeds the needs that they will eventually have. For example, if you sell sports products and/or services, your buyer’s lifestyles include that sport in some form, shape or fashion You might think about cars. Buyers of cars have lifestyles that require a car for multiple reasons. And so on.

When thinking about creating content and messaging for this stage, you don’t want to even mention your products and services. Within your trifecta you will go primarily to your knowledge of your buyers and your personal business brand.

You want to attract by sharing your common interests in the lifestyle that seeds the needs. If it is sports, attract via identifying yourself with that sport so that they become aware of you. Position your personal business brand with the sport and open the doors to your relationships again, via the common interest, love, requirement, attachment, etc to the shared sport.

The second stage of “connecting” works with the same two primary knowledge banks of your trifecta, your buyer and your personal business brand, PLUS a bit of your business. When you “connect” you want to catch your buyer’s attention. Make them more than aware by bringing attention to your post and name via a specific point, topic, experience. Turn their head, catch their eye, hit them in their heart.

To create a “connect” to your posts, use a specific result or pain that lets potential buyers know “you get it” … you get that part of the lifestyle. Back to sports, the joy of winning a game and what that means beyond the game. How it adds to family fun and bondingif it's your child's little league game! If you offer back pain relief, the joy of a senior playing with their grandchild or just being able to bend over to pick them up! A van that unloads 12 kids!! And so on! Get outside your product/service box and think of all the “specifics” that you contribute to the enjoyment of this shared lifestyle and make them take notice of you. Again, NO mention of your products and services, just think about the results received via what you offer and choose specific results that will hit home with them.

Try creating a few posts. Identify a specific target market and make some posts that “attract” and then some posts that “connect.” One hint that you can play with is to use an image by itself to attract. You can use that same image with text on top of it to bring in a specific. BUT be creative with other ideas as well as the same thing done the same way all the time will lose a following.

As always, let me know if you would like some guidance. In Part 2 we will talk about the content for the engage and convert stages of the buyer journey.

Good Business is Good Communications ...

Here's to your success via online communications!


Why LinkedIn Is One Of My Favorite Things!

LinkedIn is one of my favorite things … one of my favorite marketing resources, one of my favorite “go to’s” for information and one of my favorite topics of conversation with business friends. I encourage all of you to grab onto its wonders.

My last article was about the LinkedIn profile page, and in this article I want to share even more of the value that is waiting for you via LinkedIn so you can add it to your list of favorite things!

So let’s begin …

    One of my very favorite activities on LinkedIn is exploring opportunities for engaging with new, interesting, powerful people by leaving them comments on their posts and/or on their comments to others!  It opens doors based upon a very simple human behavior, i.e. “Do you like to receive comments? Well, so do others!”
    The instant recognition received from most, not all, of the people that I leave comments for is fun & productive. Thank you LinkedIn for having our 120 character headline be with us no matter what we do!  Some very strong and profitable relationships have been created via headlines shown not only with our comments, but also our “likes & shares.”
    There are lots of places to explore for opening new doors & conversations
  2. — The Daily Rundown is where I go the most on the notifications page
    – What people are talking about on your home page
    – Groups – you can now see group posts in your home page feed by demand
    – Company Pages —– strategize these comments
     Live Feed – posts from your network and also posts filtered by hashtags on demand
    Does it take time?
     As little or as much as I can plan for daily. That’s why I usually begin with the Daily Rundown first thing in the AM.  If I don’t find a reason to comment, I don’t leave any comments, as it only is as successful as you are authentic.  Very important.
    If you are ever lost for ideas, the search capability of LinkedIn is amazing! Here are some ways I use different pieces of LinkedIn for different reasons:
    What’s going on in my industry.
     For example early in January I searched LinkedIn for “online content in 2019” using the “content” filter. I wanted to see what professionals were saying about what to expect in 2019 for popular types of content.
    Finding people within defined age demographics
     — You can get quite creative with the info that LinkedIn provides. One day I realized that if you search on the alumni pages for the years people graduated that with some simple math you could figure out how old they are today and where they live and work! So cool.
    Up to date Industry lingo for what I do
    – I am a solopreneur so my world can be somewhat of a bubble yet I work in one of the most fast-paced and ever changing industries out there. I need to represent what I do in the current ‘lingo” out there in the business arena. So I will search the job listings for people who are looking for employees that do what I do and see how they describe them!!  Gets me right up to date and also reacquaints me with my value.
    Companies to call upon
      the job search section is also great for finding companies who are looking for someone who feeds you or you feed them in terms of work contribution. The job description on the jobs page provides lots of insight as to the internal working of the business and where there could be need for your outside services.
     Whrn I need an idea for a topic or a layout for a topic to use in a speaking engagement, etc. I will go to SlideShare and search the MANY presentations there on my desired topics.  What I find helps me, gives me assurance I am covering the topic appropriately, and provides me some new ideas!  And trust me .. .there is something there for everyone.
    You can create your own support and/or special interest group on LinkedIn and invite people to join .. private or public.  Groups are much more usable now as you can switch your homepage live feed to funnel just your group postings on demand into your homepage live feed.  Very cool.  BTW, you are all invited to join my group ~ Online Business Communications – What Works! What Doesn’t.
    Do you have multiple services and/or products with unique buyers for each niche?  Gotta love LinkedIn for creating Showcase Pages where you can dedicate a page per niche and invite individuals to follow each unique page of choice!!  That way people are only getting the info they are interested in and not all the other communications you may send out!  LOVE Showcase pages.
    LinkedIn is set up around people. Everyone has a “personal” profile page and 90% of communications should be relationship oriented via the presentation of YOU via your personal business brand.   It’s nice to also be able to talk freely about your company/business , i.e. what you do, your actual products and services and their “features” without pushing it into relationship building conversations.  LinkedIn’s Company Pages enables you get your business brand out there!! Talk away about what you do. Post ads!!  Promote events!!!  Love that this exists for that important part of our business building needs.
    As shared last week, there is nothing like the LinkedIn personal profile page anywhere online. Keep it updated and it is impossible not to reflect upon yourself and who you are as you work with your profile page. There is no better exercise out there to receive a solid beginning for knowing your personal business brand and more!  I am still adding some of my past credentials, awards, and courses that I have forgotten about that have helped define me. Give it its due and it will give back to you!
    Unlike other social platforms that charge you for anything that will benefit your business, LinkedIn is there with what we need as business people for free! They get us! They want to see us succeed. Will results come instantly? LinkedIn does not create the opportunities … they provide you what YOU need to go out there and create your own unique opportunities. Consistency, being authentic and of value is the way to go in ALL your online communications and that has proven to work best on LinkedIn in the long term. But I have also suggested to clients to go into LinkedIn to search for people and simply pick up the phone and call them! So as a phone directory or a long term strategic platfom .. the choice is yours. LInkedIn provides the info.

There are still more reasons why LinkedIn is one of my favorite things.  I invite all or you reading this to share your favorite reasons.  If you are curious to know more about LinkedIn,  the A-Z LinkedIn course is a tour of ALL your options that I offer each quarter. The offering for this 1st quarter of 2019 begins this Tuesday, Feb 12th. If you haven’t yet taken it, you are invited to join us at a very low special VIP fee.  Having made it all the way to this paragraph you must have interest in LinkedIn?  So to support that interest, again, enjoy my VIP offering of the A-Z LinkedIn Training for only $75.  Click Here  Public fee is $197.
Again, I welcome you to share your favorite things about LinkedIn. It’s a RICH resource … let’s let the world know!!

Good Business is Good Communications …Here’s to your success via online communications! 


How To ID Your Personal Business Brand via The LinkedIn Profile Page

It’s February!  The shortest month of the year that faster than lightenting takes us to March, i.e. the end of the first quarter! Father Time keeps on ticking so fast that its important to take on each day one at a time and maximize your use of them. A quick test for knowing how well you use each day is to write down every morning what you did the day before. See how you do! Sometimes it can be difficult to remember!

Writing down what you do each day is also an excellent way to help you ID your personal business brand. But if you really want to zero in on “knowing who you are in business” I recommend spending time on your LinkedIn's Profile Page. If you take advantage of all of its sections, it lets all who visit it know who you are and why. For you, it’s an exercise for thinking about yourself … how do you show up, i.e what is your personal business brand?

Let’s explore some of the primary sections of the LinkedIn Profile Page:

Headline: 120 characters that act as your calling card on LinkedIn. It requires that you reflect and communicate to who you want to work with, who you help and how, and in some cases your values & standards can be included in unique ways. The thinking that goes into these 120 characters causes you to take a good hard look at yourself …in detail!!

Summary: This section speaks to your potential clients . This is where you include messaging that will attract and connect your buyers to you. Knowing your “TRIFECTA” of knowledge will help you complete this. AND, while completing it you will reflect upon your values and standards as well as what will make you trustworthy.

Work Experience: This section of your profile page is best used not to share past jobs and what you “DID” there, but rather share what you LEARNED there. What did you gain from that work experience that you have brought with you to where you are today. Within this content your “standards” will be reflected. Pay attention to recognize what you see contributing to your standards as you have gained experience in your professional “being.”

Organizations, Volunteer Participation, Certificates, Patents, Publications, and more… are sections waiting for you to complete on the LinkedIn Profile Page. Fill them all out, as applicable, and much like the work experience section, you will begin to recognize and know your value.

These are a few of the highlights of how the profile page can help you. Everything on the page will give you a snapshot of your personal business brand. The posts you create, what you like, share, and comment on. Your writing style in Published Articles. I personally discovered, for myself, a consistent “look” to the images I choose for the headers on my published articles. So many ways for your personal business brand to appear before your very eyes.

If you would like to spend some time with me to help you elicit from your profile page your personal business brand, just contact me to set up a session! Also the A-Z LinkedIn Training for Q1 begins Feb 12th. An email will be going out later today! One whole session is on the profile page.

Also, through LinkedIn I have become connected with Karin Sebelin, who helps people develop personal business brands. You may want to visit her website and review her 10 Qualities Of A Person Of Trust,

What ever way you do it, take some time to know your personal business brand, and include it in all you do online and offline. Be aware… be attentive!!

Good Business is Good Communications ...
Here's to your success via online communications!

10 Tips For Creating & Knowing Your Personal Business Brand

Greetings All!

If you’ve been following my social media this week, you know my conversations have been all about identifying YOU via your personal business branding.

Do you ever find yourself saying,

  • that looks like a _____  item!
  • ” that has _____ written all over it!
  • you can tell that was done by _____”

Personal business brands give that association to your work and offers!  YOU become known along with your work. .And that attracts your buyers. And that creates a flow of the “three” all working together!   You’ve hear me refer to this trio as your Trifecta!!
Here are 10 tips for creating and knowing your personal business brand: 

  1. Be Authentic  –  Build your personal brand on your true personality. Reflect your values and your character.
  2. Be Consistent –   What behaviors of yours are consistent?  Which behaviors do you wish to make consistent?  Are you doing relevant things again and again within your business?
  3. Specialize –   Focus on one area of specialization.  Be precise with one unique skill.   It make you “special.”
  4. Have Authority –  Be seen as a recognized expert in your field, talented, experienced and effective.
  5. Distinguish Yourself –  Your brand must be unique in a way that is different from the competition and adds value to others.  It must be clearly defined  so that it can be quickly grasped and understood by your audience.
  6. Be Relevant  –  What you stand for should connect to what your target audience deems important.
  7. Be Visible —  Embed your brand into people’s minds via broadcasting it continuously and consistently.
  8. Be Persistent –   Personal business brands need time to grow as it should be developed organically.  Stick with it and don’t give up on it. Icons appear after long period of dedicated work, sacrifice, courage, planning and the patience to be persistent.
  9. Provide Goodwill – Be associated with values that are recognized as positive and worthwhile.
  10. Performance –  After your brand is known, you must perform and improve yourself continuously.   Personal business brands can be translated into personal balanced scored actions!!Source: Technological University of the Americas & Authentic Governance Institute

Be thinking about “your” personal business brand and how you are using it.  Are you using it?  Ask others how they might “brand” youl    I’ll be sharing more on this in the coming weeks.
Good Business is Good Communications …
Here’s to your success via online communications! 